Saturday, November 5, 2011

Crafty Christmas 2011

Hey gals it's that time again, below are all the kits being offered for our Crafty Christmas event this year!
place your order soon as some of the kits have limited numbers available! To our out of town followers you can order a kit and have it shipped to you ( we love you too!)

* This kit includes paper, but if you would like to choose your own colors you will need
6 autumn designs, and 6 Christmas designs (smaller prints work best).

* This kit includes customized letters for you.


        *There are only 24 card garland kits available order early!

* Price includes supplies for 1 clipboard binder including post-its.


To place an order please email me at please include all kits you are interested in, and if you want multiples let me know and I will contact you with a total and your payment options!
Out of towners: This includes you too, I will just add the shipping to your order total.

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